Broadcaster's Guide
Viewer's Guide
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Create your channel

We offer you all the professional tools to stream and publish content to thousands of viewers!

No matter if you are an amateur and you like to share media with the whole world or you are a professional looking for a targeted audience, we have the solution!

You can use the web-based browser for instant results or you can use Flash Media Live Encoder - the world's best Flash encoding tool - and compress High Definition quality with extremely low bandwidth usage!

Create your events

You can create free or paid events. Free events will be ad-sponsored by our site. There will be no limitations on quality or number of viewers to attend your shows! It is not imperative to create an event for your channel, but it will attract more viewers and you will have more subscribers to a paid event, whenever that will happen.

Paid events allow you to charge as much as you like for every customer, in a pay per view style! You will buy a paid event package from us, input your PayPal address where all the funds will be deposited, set the cost for every customer, set the free viewing time and broadcast! No ads will be shown on your channel while the paid event is active!

Earn thousands of dollars in minutes!

Paid events will get you real money! Everyone pays straight to your PayPal account! We will handle the authentication, the promotion of your event, the quality and reliability of your transmission!

Imagine that you will require $2/viewer for a 2 hour sport event => this will get you $200 if 100 users attend to it or $2000 if 1000 will enjoy it! You can even have multiple events on multiple channels, you will get rich for just having a broadband connection and content to broadcast!